Sunday, April 19, 2015

One potato, two potato . . .

Yesterday provided a welcome break from the rain that has been a constant fixture in West Virginia for the past few weeks. Grayson and Emma took advantage of the sunshine to plant potatoes. I remember potatoes as being one of my favorite things to plant, when I was younger - probably because they require less care in planting than other vegetables. 

Grayson examines the potatoes, already cut to be planted.

A mid-planting rest.

Planting turned up a worm that Emma named "Bob."

A hug after a job well done.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Hoop House

This week I had the opportunity to visit with a friend from last fall, Mary of Mountain Harvest Farm. She was generous enough to invite me to her home to photograph the farm's hoop house and the sprouts that she and Chico will soon be planting. 

Plants in beautiful light. 

The hoop house. 

It was very warm inside of the house. The plants were happy, but I got a bit sticky. 

Signs of spring. 

Friday, April 10, 2015

Time Flies

A belated happy birthday to my sister, Samantha. She turned 11 yesterday, and I can hardly believe it.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Planting Season

Spring has been slow to come to West Virginia, but that didn't stop Grayson and Kim from putting a few rows of seeds into their raised garden bed. It was exciting to see things being planted. It gives me something to dream about, as winter gives its last gasps. 

Grayson holds an imperfect egg, laid by one of their hens. When chickens get too old, the integrity of their eggs can become compromised. 

Kimberly and Grayson Samples plant their raised garden bed. It is still to cold to plant in the garden.

Grayson plants a row of parsnips.

The bees are usually fed sugar water, during the winter months, but, as they had run out of sugar, Grayson fed one of his hives old honey.